It's been a good two weeks since I last updated the blog and documented the progress on the house. We have had some insane heat, two awesome rain storms (tho one was pretty terrible timing as the old roof had just been torn off and the new one wasn't on yet) and little bouts of sickness for both Monkey and me. But I'm back and will hopefully have a few posts up soon documenting the house progress, some fun with Monkey and possibly a update on my pregnancy.
old roof being torn off and new addtion
just before the huge storm |
Like I said we got rain!! Wonderful, glorious rain. After an entire summer with no more than a drop of rain we got two different storms that opened up the heavens and poured down water from the sky. I thought I had forgotten what it looked like at first. The first rain storm came out of no where. I don't even think there was a 10% chance of rain. Our roofer had taken off the old roof and framed in the new addition but hadn't gotten to laying the actual shingles yet. This provided a slight problem because where the two roofs met water poured into the existing house. Thankfully the water leaked mostly in the
old kitchen pantry where we were already planning on tearing out the destroyed sheetrock and replacing it.
One thing with building an addition and doing a renovation on a house is getting to pick out all the fixtures, finishes and colors. But golly there are a lot of different options out there for EVERYTHING. It's actually overwhelming. You would think that picking a shingle color wouldn't be that hard. Or maybe I'm the only one who thought it wouldn't be hard. I was wrong, dead wrong. So many options and colors to choose from. Brandon and I knew we wanted to do the 30 year architectural shingles, so that decision was easy. Now to just pick a color. One thing that would have made it easier is if we had our siding for the house picked out, but we don't. So we decided we would pick a shingle color and then when we go to choose siding we will go off the roof. Not exactly the idea plan, but you do what you have to do. We went with
Tamko Heritage Premium Weathered Wood because it had hints of brown, black, sand, and grey. It will hopefully go with any siding color we choose. I personally think it look FABULOUS on the house :)