hanging windows, instead of hanging by the pool
Before we bought the house the 4th of July meant sleeping in, relaxing at the pool or on the lake, lots of family lazy time, a BBQ and fireworks. This year, with the purchase of the house, it turned out a little different. Brandon was up with the sun and heading to the house to work. Monkey and I were up and out of the house by 8 for the church pancake breakfast and then it was off to the house to help work. Thankfully Mae'mae offered to watch Monkey so she would be out of our way. My Dad came over to help Brandon at the house and they had already mowed the lawn, torn out most of the ugly laminate and were moving appliances by the time I arrived. Dad checked on some termite damage that we uncovered (thankfully he is a pest and termite guy) and we made a list of things to pick up at Home Depot.

After the trip to our second home Home Depot Brandon, Dad and David (Brandon's dad) started installing the new windows in the house. Y'all I'm so excited about the windows. Not only are they pretty and energy efficient, but I found an amazing deal on them! I had terrible insomnia when I was pregnant with Monkey and this pregnancy has proven to be no different. So on one of my sleepless nights I decided to check Craigslist for windows. Why I even thought of it I have no clue. I've never done anything on there. I have always thought Craigslist was only filled with serial killers and scam artists, BUT I actually found something that looked promising. Someone had special ordered windows but when they got them realized they weren't what they needed so they were selling them for an amazing $75 a piece. These windows retail for around $210 each! The windows just happened to be exactly what we needed for both the existing house and the new addition. We met the guy last week and he turned out to be neither a serial killer or a scam artist so we bought windows from him. We calculated that with all the windows we bought we saved around $1700! I for once am thankful for my baby insomnia. Anyways... instead of getting all the windows installed today like we hoped we only got one installed, but now the guys know what they are doing and the rest of the windows should go in pretty easily.I am so thankful for a husband, dad and father-in-law that are all handy and can do so much of the work themselves to save us money.

We ended the day with a delicious BBQ at my in-laws complete with BBQ chicken, hot dogs, grilled corn on cob, my homemade potato salad and the traditional American flag jello cake. Sadly we didn't have any fireworks because of the extreme drought we are in and the burn ban that has been issued, but we did have the sprinklers on for the girls to run through. All in all it was a wonderful day. I hope all of y'all had a fabulous Independence Day filled with fun, family, friends and food.
Aw fun!! I missed a good Time and good food!